mHealth interconnects easily with the health information management system (DHIS2) used by many countries to manage health data.
The mHealth care platform meets the needs of community health care. It collects, encrypts, transmits, processes and analyses data to improve decision-making and the efficiency of the healthcare system. In this way, healthcare professionals can offer high-quality care with accurate and secure information.
mHealth interconnects easily with the health information management system (DHIS2) used by many countries to manage health data.
The mHealth platform has APIs in Json format that comply with the HL7 FHIR standard, facilitating interoperability with other healthcare IT systems.
Once the interconnection has been established between mHealth and DHIS2, any organisational unit or element of an organisational unit created on mHealth is automatically created on DHIS2.
This GSM mobile phone version only took into account the transmission of PEC reports. The data had to be compiled manually before being sent item by item by SMS.
2014This version on a Java J2EE laptop only took reports into account. The data had to be compiled manually before the entire report could be sent by SMS.
2016This version on Android terminals enabled children to be taken directly into care using the phone, with an algorithm that limits errors. The report is automatically generated on the mHealth web interface for use by care centers and districts.
2019This super-App version of mHealth allows you to take charge, monitor antenatal care for pregnant women, monitor newborns, order and manage stocks of inputs, communicate with community workers and help them plan their community health activities. All this without using an internet connection, phone credit or sms.
2022In addition to the care of newborn pregnant women, this version of the application incorporates virtual assistance for decision-makers. This innovative feature will enable users to access statistics by asking specific questions about key indicators such as disease prevalence, vaccination rates or epidemiological trends.
Coming soon
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